The Powers of Darkness

Recognizing Satan's Tactics in the Light of God's Word

The intent of the Holy Bible is not to focus on Satan and his work. However, we do find much in the Bible that exposes his character and works.

Satan was at one time an angel, but he turned against God, his creator, and wanted to be like Him. The practices of the dark kingdom of Satan are not new. They are typical of his efforts through the ages to rival the kingdom of God. He is offering an alternative to what God, through the power of His Holy Spirit, is accomplishing.

We read in Exodus of the power of the magicians of Egypt who tried to reproduce the miracles that God did by the hand of Moses. In the book of Job, Satan is exposed as very jealous of Job's faithfulness to God. He used cruelty and deprivation to try to force Job to turn from God.

Satan's methods are characterized by: fear, threats, promises of pleasure or power, intimidation, and suspicion. Some of the first things he introduces to us seem very interesting and intriguing. He suggests, "Would you like to know the future or have insight that others are not able to have?" He may offer cures that are beyond the realm of science. Astrology or fortunetelling may seem innocent enough, but this is soon followed with certain magic words or formulas, observing certain days and fearing unlucky numbers. The thought is introduced that there are certain spirits to be respected and feared because of the power they may have over us. Thus Satan snares the unwary into the realms of fear of him and his spirits.

Too many individuals have been caught up in curiosity of things that, at first, appear to be rather innocent. By experimenting with the Ouija board, horoscopes, palm reading, and many other such practices, they have made themselves vulnerable for evil spirits to further trouble them.

The goal of Satan is to erode and finally destroy the Christian's faith in God. The Christian experiences victory by having a faith in Christ and in Him alone. The desire for knowing the unknown or the lust of power motivates one to sometimes experiment with that which is of the Satanic realm. A simple trust in God puts one at rest with what is unknown and makes one completely confident in the power of Christ.

Complete text of: The Powers of Darkness

That which is begun out of curiosity or experimentation soon entraps one in a web of fear; fear of what might happen, fear of greater powers, fear of other people, fear of Satan himself. These fears envelop the individual who has allowed himself to become involved in dubious practices. In response to this fear Satan claims to have an antidote. He offers more power if one will subject himself to certain rituals or other obediences. Fear of other spirits can be counteracted with a possession or greater power ourselves, he says. Thus a person is introduced to successive tiers of power that, rather than causing the individual to reach greater levels of peace, cause a never ending downward spiral into the depths of satanic abomination. The security promised by Satan proves elusive, being replaced by the need of protection from a still higher power in this wicked domain. This is the system of Satanism.

Satan's plan is to supplant God. Satan was created to worship, not to be worshiped. He is not a supreme power; he cannot overcome the Lamb of God; he cannot give security; he is not interested in our well-being. Nevertheless he continually works to exercise power over people to bring them into subjection to him. He tries to create mistrust toward God and His kingdom. He is endeavoring to establish an organization with himself as the master. This is developed through a system of fear and illusions of power. He works marvels to create awe in people's minds (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). The effect of this system is to destroy peace and security in individuals, homes, and governments. It captures people, causing them to feel seriously threatened if they try to escape.

Satan is the bitterest, most malicious, most vicious, most terrible enemy you have. He is totally without honor. He is a liar. There is no truth in him—"He is a liar, and the father of it [untruth]" (John 8:44). He is a murderer, a destroyer. He is the very embodiment of hatred and evil. He is totally wicked through and through, with absolutely no redeeming good.

Satan is the instigator of all evil. There is neither crime nor sin too evil or too filthy for him. He is the cause of all hatred, all murder, all child or wife abuse, all drug abuse, all immorality, all broken homes, all contention, all witchcraft, all dishonesty. He delights to cause crimes of passion and evil, crimes committed against innocent people who happen to fall into the hands of depraved or perverted persons. He is ruthless and unforgiving. Suffering does not inspire compassion in him. Bloodshed and death are tools he uses to gain his ends. He has come "to steal, to kill, and to destroy" (John 10:10).

Satan's eternal destiny is already decided. There is a place of eternal fire prepared for him and his angels (Matthew 25:41). He is interested in getting as many people as he can to suffer that torment with him. He knows he can do this by undermining and finally destroying our faith in God. He will do this either by openly challenging God's Word or by subtly encouraging lukewarm, careless, permissive Christianity.

There is deliverance from the clutches of Satan. He would have you to believe that there is no way out. The Bible tells us that Jesus has come to set the captive free. He has come to give life. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). In His life on earth Jesus demonstrated His power over Satan by resisting the temptations of Satan and by casting out evil spirits by God's Word (Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 9:25-26). Jesus conquered the power of Satan by His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead.

Can we avail ourselves of this victory and overcome the arch enemy of our souls? First, we must realize that we have been captured by Satan and are bound by his fear. We must admit that this is sinful and that we are lost if we remain in this state. As we realize that we are unable to deliver ourselves from Satan's grasp, we must cry out to God for deliverance with all our heart. We must repent of, and turn away from our sins. We need to accept by faith the atoning blood of Jesus Christ for our sins. We must yield ourselves to God, accept His forgiveness and faithfully obey His Word. As we meet these conditions He gives us peace with Him, quiets the uneasiness in our hearts, forgives our sins, gives us a new nature and makes us one of His children. This is what it means to be born again. Anyone who resists the call of God is still in Satan's kingdom, and the deceiver will eventually take that person with him to everlasting torment.

If you do not understand the plan that God has made for you, study God's Word, pray to Him with an honest heart, and He will show you the way. God is calling you to Himself and wants you to escape from Satan's bondage. May God bless you. Read Psalm 91.

Additional reading:

Luke 11:20-23 .......One stronger than Satan

Romans 6:20-23 ....Free from sin

Isaiah 61:1 .............Liberty to the captives

Romans 8:1-2 ........Free from condemnation

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The Best Story To Know

Bible and Candle

Once there was nothing in this world.

No fish.

No stars in the sky.

Complete text of: The Best Story To Know

No seas and pretty flowers.

All was empty and dark.

But there was God.

God had a wonderful plan. He thought of a lovely world, and while He thought, He made it. He made it all out of nothing. When God made anything, He just said, “Let it be made,” and there it was!

He made light. He made the rivers and seas, the grass-covered earth, the animals, birds, and trees.

Last of all, He made a man, and then He made a wife for the man. Their names were Adam and Eve.

God loved them very dearly. Every evening He visited them in the lovely garden they lived in.

The whole garden was theirs to enjoy, except for one tree, which was God’s forbidden tree.

Adam and Eve were happy until one day Satan, the enemy of God, tempted them. They decided to taste the fruit of God’s forbidden tree. They sinned. For the first time they were ashamed and sad.

No longer could they talk to God. Now they would have pain and trouble. And they would have to die. How sorry they were!

God promised to help them. When the right time would come, He would send his Son Jesus into the world. Jesus would come down from heaven and make a way for sin to be forgiven. To do this He would suffer and die for mankind. How glad they were that God would send a Savior!

Adam and Eve had children and grandchildren. By and by there were many people living in the world.

God wanted everyone to be happy. He told them what to do. Here is a list of rules God gave them (Exodus 20:3-17):

1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
5. Honour thy father and thy mother.
6. Thou shalt not kill.
7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
8. Thou shalt not steal.
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.

These were written in the Bible so we can read them, too. If we obey them, we will be happy.

Satan does not want us to obey them. Sometimes he tells us to steal something when no one is looking. But God knows it. God sees everything.

Sometimes Satan tempts us to tell a lie and makes us think no one will find it out. God knows it. He hears everything.

When we do these things, we feel bad inside. God loves us and wants to help us to be good. That’s why He sent Jesus into the world. God remembered his promise. After many years, Jesus was born as a little baby. He grew up and became a man.

He did many wonderful things. He healed the sick. He made the blind to see. He blessed the children.

Jesus never did anything wrong. He told the people about God and how to obey Him.

After a while the enemies of Jesus nailed Him to a cross. He died.

He suffered and died for the sins of all the people, even those who nailed Him to the cross.

Jesus was buried. But then a wonderful thing happened. He did not stay in the grave. He arose from the dead!

Soon God took Him back to heaven in a cloud. While his friends were watching Him leave, an angel told them Jesus would come back again.

Jesus died for our sins, too. He wants us to be sorry and confess our sins. He is ready to forgive us.

We can pray to God anytime. He hears every word and knows every thought. He makes us feel happy inside when our sins are forgiven. Then we want to do what is right. Then we want to be kind.

We may choose to disobey God and follow Satan. But God’s word says that if we reject Him in this life, He will cast us down to hell. Hell is a place of fire that burns forever.

But if we love and obey Jesus, He will take us up to heaven when He returns. Heaven is the beautiful home of God and his Son Jesus. It is a home of love and light. There we will always be happy.

Jesus Loves Me

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Chapters of Pure Gold

The Bible is a precious book that fills the need of every soul. The messages found in it provide spiritual nourishment. There are chapters exactly suited for your particular need or inquiry.

God’s message to man is expressed in different ways in various chapters of the Bible. There is much knowledge of God and the history of his people to be found in Genesis and other Old Testament chapters. The Psalms and many New Testament chapters can be read as a source of real spiritual inspiration. Many teachings of Jesus such as Matthew 5, 6, and 7, as well as writings of the apostles, give direction for our daily lives. It all combines to provide an understanding of God, his will for us, and his promises.

God has warmed the hearts of many readers as they have drawn from these blessed resources. Let us be encouraged to read these chapters. Let us read them not only to make ourselves feel better, but to let the message of God touch the need of our inner self.

Complete text of: Chapters of Pure Gold

What Your Bible Says About…


Birth of Jesus Chapter

Luke 2

Creation Chapter

Genesis 1

Deliverance Psalm

Psalm 18

God’s Greatness Chapter

Isaiah 40

God’s Holiness Psalm

Psalm 99

Good Shepherd Chapter

John 10

Holy Spirit Chapter

John 16

Messianic Psalm

Psalm 110

Nature Psalm

Psalm 104

Redemption Chapter

Luke 23

Sad Chapter

Luke 22

Sufferer’s Chapter

Isaiah 53

Your Spiritual Need

Beatitude Chapter

Matthew 5

Comfort Chapter

2 Corinthians 1

Endurance Chapter

Hebrews 12

Hypocrite Chapter

Matthew 23

Infidel’s Psalm

Psalm 14

Prison Chapter

Acts 23

Refuge Psalm

Psalm 46

Safety Psalm

Psalm 91

Shepherd Psalm

Psalm 23

Temptation Chapter

James 1

Wisdom Chapter

Proverbs 3

Being Saved

Atonement Chapter

Hebrews 9

Baptism Chapter

Mark 1

Blessing Chapter

Deuteronomy 28

Conqueror’s Chapter

Luke 4

Cornelius Chapter

Acts 10

Courage Chapter

Joshua 1

Crucifixion Chapter

John 19

Fisherman’s Chapter

Luke 5

Guilty Chapter

Romans 1

Invitation Chapter

Isaiah 55

John the Baptist Chapter

Luke 3

Lost and Found Chapter

Luke 15

New Birth Chapter

John 3

Pentecost Chapter

Acts 2

Prayer Chapter

Matthew 6

Saul of Tarsus Chapter

Acts 9

Today Chapter

Hebrews 3

Whosoever Chapter

Revelation 22

Happiness in the Lord

Abiding Chapter

John 15

Golden Chapter

Psalm 16

Growth Chapter

2 Peter 1

Joyful Psalm

Psalm 98

Mercy Psalm

Psalm 136

Peace Chapter

John 14

Song Chapter

Luke 1

Thank You Chapter

Luke 17

Traveler’s Psalm

Psalm 121

Practical Directions for Living

Abraham Chapter

Genesis 15

Asa’s Reform Chapter

2 Chronicles 15

Bishop’s and Deacon’s Chapter

1 Timothy 3

Character Chapter

Job 29

Charity Chapter

1 Corinthians 13

Christian’s Psalm

Psalm 15

Confidence Psalm

Psalm 27

Consecration Chapter

Romans 12

Divorce Chapter

Matthew 19

Employee’s Chapter

Colossians 3

Employer’s Chapter

Colossians 4

Faith Chapter

Hebrews 11

Family Chapter

Ephesians 5-6

Golden Rule Chapter

Matthew 7

Greatest Commandment Chapter

Luke 10

Humility Chapter

Luke 18

Judgment Chapter

Romans 14

Law of Love Chapter

Romans 13

Life in the Spirit Chapter

Romans 8

Preparation Chapter

Matthew 25

Separation Chapter

2 Corinthians 6

Sermon on the Mount Chapters

Matthew 5-7

Soldier’s Chapter

Ephesians 6

Stephen’s Chapter

Acts 7

Ten Commandments Chapter

Exodus 20

Tithing Chapter

Malachi 3

Watchman’s Chapter

Ezekiel 33

Wife’s Chapter

Proverbs 31

Wise Man’s Chapter

Proverbs 15

Works Chapter

James 2


Ascension Chapter

Acts 1

Great Commission Chapter

Matthew 28

John and Peter’s Chapter

Acts 4

Lame Man’s Chapter

Acts 3

Macedonian Chapter

Acts 16

Philip’s Chapter

Acts 8

Sower’s Chapter

Luke 8

When You Have Fallen

Backslider’s Chapter

Jeremiah 3

Excuse Chapter

Luke 14

Intemperance Chapter

Proverbs 23

Overcome Chapters

Revelation 2-3

Prodigal Psalm

Psalm 51

Revival Chapter

2 Kings 23

Life after Death

Brevity Psalm

Psalm 90

Heaven Chapter

Revelation 21

Last Judgment Chapter

Revelation 20

Lazarus Chapter

John 11

Resurrection Chapter

1 Thessalonians 4

Second Coming Chapter

2 Peter 3

Bible Stories…

Early Times

1. The Garden of Eden

Genesis 2-3

2. Cain and Abel

Genesis 4

3. Noah’s Ark

Genesis 6-8

4. Destruction of Sodom

Genesis 18-19

5. Isaac on the Altar

Genesis 22

6. Joseph Becomes a Ruler

Genesis 37, 39, 47

7. Moses, Babe in a Basket

Exodus 2

8. Crossing the Red Sea

Exodus 14

Israel, a Nation

9. The Two Spies

Joshua 2

10. Fall of Jericho

Joshua 6

11. Thief among the Soldiers

Joshua 7

12. Gideon and his 300

Judges 6-7

13. Strong-bodied Samson

Judges 13-16

14. Ruth, the Gleaner

Ruth 1-4

15. The Boy Samuel

1 Samuel 1-3

16. Jonathan, Brave Young Prince

1 Samuel 14

17. David Kills the Giant

1 Samuel 17

18. Elijah the Prophet

1 Kings 17-22; 2 Kings 1-2

19. Elisha the Prophet

1 Kings 19; 2 Kings 2-8

20. The Israelite Maid

2 Kings 5

21. “Jonah, Go to Nineveh”

Jonah 1-4

22. Queen Esther

Esther 1-10

23. Book of the Law is Found

2 Kings 22

24. Fiery Furnace

Daniel 3

25. Daniel in the Lion’s Den

Daniel 6

Life of Christ

26. Birth of Jesus

Matthew 2; Luke 2

27. Jesus Tempted

Matthew 4

28. Jesus at a Wedding

John 2

29. Woman at Jacob’s Well

John 4

30. Through the Roof

Mark 2

31. Girl Raised from the Dead

Mark 5

32. Five Thousand Fed

John 6

33. Jesus Walks on the Sea

Matthew 14

34. A Blind Man Healed

John 9

35. Good Samaritan

Luke 10

36. The Runaway Boy

Luke 15

37. Rich Man and Lazarus

Luke 16

38. Dead Man Raised to Life

John 11

39. Last Days of Jesus

Matthew 26-27

40. Resurrection of Jesus

John 20

Early Church

41. Death from a Lie

Acts 5

42. Saul Sees a Light from Heaven

Acts 9

43. Conversion of Cornelius

Acts 10

44. How a Prison Gate Open

Acts 12

45. A Song Opens Prison Doors

Acts 16

46. Paul is Shipwrecked

Acts 27-28

47. The City of God

Revelation 21-22

(Adapted from Lessons for Christian Workers, by C.H. Yatman)

Read Your Bible…

For it contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, doom of sinners, and happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable.

Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It is the traveler’s map, the pilgrim’s staff, the pilot’s compass, the soldier’s sword, and the Christian’s charter.

Here paradise is restored, heaven opened, and the gates of hell disclosed. Christ is its grand subject, our good its design, and the glory of God its end. It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet.

Read it slowly, frequently, prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure. It is given you in life, will be open at the judgment, and be remembered forever. It involves the highest responsibility, rewards the greatest labor, and condemns all who trifle with its holy contents.

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